Few people know about insurance polices known as Short Term Medical plans. They have a pretty interesting history and they actually can be good fits for the right situation. However, they are not a fit for everybody. Short Term plans originally were created to cover an individual that needed insurance on a very short term basis (hence the name Short Term Medical). At their birth, they would cover somebody for usually a few months at a time often times in a situation like if someone was in-between jobs and had a gap of insurance for possibly a few months.
For the longest time they were never looked at as anything more than that. In the last 5 years plus however, they have started to be looked at as a viable long term insurance option for people who meet certain parameters and find themselves in certain situations. What we are seeing now is plans in some areas that will cover people for up to 2-3 years at a time and provide much more of a lon
I would describe the perfect candidate for a short term medical plan as follows:
Medicare Required Disclaimer: We do not offer every plan available in your area. Currently we represent 76 organizations which offer 2,345 plans nationwide. Please contact Medicare.gov, 1-800-MEDICARE, or your local State Health Insurance Program (SHIP) to get information on all of your options. Integrity Marketing Partners, LLC and its affiliates (“Integrity”) provide certain support and services to Christian Brindle Insurance Services, which operates independently as a licensed agency. Christian Brindle Insurance Services does not represent Integrity.
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