



Sandy, Utah 84070

Affordable Care Act

Affordable Care Act Plans

The Affordable Care Act (Obamacare), brought about several changes to healthcare in the United States, including the formation of Health Insurance Marketplaces.

The marketplaces help individuals and families to acquire health insurance that meet the ACA’s minimum coverage requirements.

This article will dive into how ACA health insurance plans on the marketplace work, what you must consider when picking a plan, the importance of working with an insurance agent, and how premium subsidies work.

How ACA Health Insurance Plans Work

When selecting an ACA plan on the marketplace, it’s important to keep in mind the following aspects:

1.) Monthly Premiums: This is the cost you pay each month for a plan. Higher premiums usually result lower out-of-pocket costs, while lower premiums result higher out-of-pocket costs.

2.) Deductibles: This is the amount you pay and are responsible for before the insurance kicks in. Policies with higher deductibles typically have lower monthly premiums, but not always.

3.) Copayments and Coinsurance: Copayments are set amounts you pay for different services, while coinsurance is a percentage of the total cost of care. It’s important to realize these costs and how they affect your overall healthcare costs.

4.) Network: Health insurance plans have a network of providers, and it’s important to check whether your favorite doctors, hospitals, and clinics are included in the plan’s network.

5.) Prescription Drug Coverage: Check if the plan covers the medications you need and if there are any limitations or obstacles to get them filled.

6.) Out-of-Pocket Maximum: This is the most you will pay out-of-pocket for covered healthcare services during a plan year. It’s vital to know the out-of-pocket max, so you can plan for any unexpected medical expenses.

Working with an Insurance Agent

Working with a licensed insurance agent is incredibly important when navigating through your options. Agents service are complimentary and don’t cost you anything. Its important when you pick an agent that they have a good reputation and are independent, meaning that they can offer you a variety of different insurance companies to choose from. Working with a good agent, like CBIS, can save you countless hours and money on making a wrong selection.

How Premium Subsidies Work

Premium subsidies are available to individuals and families who meet the required income levels. The subsidies help lower the monthly premium costs of an ACA plan. The amount of premium subsidies you receive is based on your income and the cost of the benchmark plan in your area. If the cost of the benchmark plan is more than a certain percentage of your income, you may be eligible for a larger subsidy. This can help lower the cost of a plan significantly for a person when selecting a plan on the marketplace.

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9:30am – 5:00pm


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